muse ariadne

welcome to muse ariadne-- a digital writing club created by xalli! each week, i'll post a new prompt i've created myself for members to write anything they'd like in response to and post on their personal websites. if you can't make it to every week, that's totally alright-- this is low pressure. we encourage regular participation, but the joy of this club is to inspire creativity and a reasonable amount of accountability [whatever that means to you].

if you're curious, the reasoning behind the name of this club is based in the myth of ariadne and how she helped theseus defeat the minotaur and escape its labyrinth by offering him a ball of red thread which he could unroll as he wandered through and then follow back out again. writing is often just that-- offering the reader a ball of thread, and asking them to explore what they must. maybe it's even offering yourself that.

currrent prompt: write about or use asymmetry in your writing. what is the intrigue in imbalance? maybe work with different-sized stanzas or long, long sentences followed by short ones, or think about how no two bodies are the same, nor two halves of the same body, or how the feeling of a painting shifts with where the objects sit.