muse ariadne

week of feb 24th: write about a system in the world around you. it could be an economic or political system, the water cycle or the solar system. explore the connection between things in a ‘closed’ circuit. they aren’t really that closed, are they?

week of feb 17th: write something that pulls from both a childhood memory (or something nostalgic to childhood) and a recent memory! explore how the two connect and differ

week of feb 10th: think of a lyric that's been on your mind/stuck in your head recently (and if you don't have any, then just feel free to look for one that resonates right now) and write something based on it!

week of feb 3rd: write a myth that's relevant to your life. it can be in a more traditional form, take on a modern tone-- be a retelling or an entirely new piece. have fun with it! what makes a myth?

week of jan 27th: think about something that's physically overwhelming to you (in a good, bad, or neutral way) and write about it! this could be anything-- rollercoasters, concerts, sex, being sick, taking showers, going to the mall, or just being in a windy place

week of jan 20th: begin by writing a list of everyone and everything you commit to caring for. think expansively-- individual people, groups, animals, places, ideas. then, turn your list into a protection spell/prayer/intention (whichever one feels best)

week of jan 13th: living in california, it's hard not to be thinking about fire right now. think about a moment you've had with fire or explore how fire can be beautiful, dangerous, natural, harmonious, destructive, growth-inducing, tragic, etc

week of jan 6th: happy new year, y'all! now it's time to explore the future :] think about something you want this year. it doesn't have to be a big goal, or even something you have to personally do. think outside the box!

week of dec 30th: with this year coming to a close, reflect on what this year in some way! it doesn't have to be explicit reflection-- you're free to write about a moment that meant a lot to you, a symbol or thing that kept coming back, or something else

week of dec 16th: come up with a title and write a piece around it!

week of dec 9th: write about someone you look up to or aspire to be like-- a role model of any kind. how do you relate to them? what about them resonates with you? is there anything you don't like about them? credit to tasmyn / ormulum for this suggestion

week of dec 2nd: explore a mythological, religious, spiritual, etc figure in a piece of writing. write about their story, or their energy, or what they mean to you, or something else entirely!

week of nov 25th: write about insides. this prompt mainly has bones/skeletons, muscles, flesh, structures in mind, but as always, take it where you please

week of nov 18th: look around your room, or any space that you love & call home, and write about some aspect of it

week of nov 11th: i strongly believe that we're little mosaics of our ancestors, all the people we've known, & a sort of 'us' esssence. explore something you've learned or something that matters to you that came from somewhere outside of you

week of nov 4th: write a piece based off of a piece of art you've created-- photo, painting, collage, zine, song, etc!

week of oct 28th: write about the sky— any aspect of it. color, feeling, temperature, shape (?), etc. write about a sky that inspires you or that exhausts you, or anything else you’d like

week of oct 20th: we do a lot of writing in this club-- this week, i'd like us all to take some time to revise something. explore something you've written for an earlier prompt and play around with it. this doesn't have to be with the intention of making it 'better'. make it new; make it different; make it truer to yourself. have fun with it

week of oct 14th: tell a story you want to tell to future generations to come-- whether through a poem, a short story, an essay, a myth-like retelling, or something else

week of oct 7th: retell a story/moment/memory from your own life in a way you don't usually look at it

week of sept 30th: choose a few specific images and focus almost solely on them in a piece of writing of any kind

week of sept 23rd: find a news article, new or old, and write something based on it

week of sept 16th: think & write about a space you've never inhabited-- something you've watched from afarr (in awe, fear, envy, etc), but never engaged in

week of sept 9th: write about something monstrous. what does it mean for something to be a monster? is it a judgment of character, something inherited at birth/creation, or something else?

week of sept 2nd: reflect on and write about a moment that was monumental for someone else and how it affected you. maybe make some comparisons between your experiences, or mesh them.

week of aug 26th: consider someone in your life that you have strong emotions for and think of some sensorial experiences (images) that you associate with them, then write from that!

week of aug 19th: reflect on a ritual, whether it's a personal habit, cultural tradition, or invented routine. what does your ritual signify? what happens when a ritual is interrupted or transformed? how does it evolve over time?

week of aug 12th: think & write about a place you love and how it appears in your heart & life.

week of aug 5th: this is a bit similar to a prompt i've posted in the past, but i'd like you to write from a perspective you don't usually write from. if you usually write about yourself, write from the point of view from someone else. if you always write first person, try writing third person. if you tend to write a stream of conscious and focus on more internal things, then focus on external details.

week of jul 29th: write about the feeling of clothes on a body— the way it fits & feels, and what each material inspires.

week of jul 22nd: explore how things break, branch, become fractals-- where does the importance in repetition or breaking away from it lie?

week of jul 15th: write something based off of another piece of writing, art, music, etc! maybe an ode to or a commentary on it– whatever feels right.

week of jul 8th: write about stones as keepers of stories and witnesses to history. what silent wisdom do things like stones have, with their enduring presence?

week of jul 1st: think about the absence of something and how the shape it once filled & now leaves affects things. is it good? sad? bittersweet? write about it.

week of jun 24th: write about digital ghosts. explore the remnants of a person– a digital footprint, if you will– that lingers even after active online presence fades. what does it mean for us to have two selves– the real life, which is ever-changing, and the online, which will always be every version of you at once, keeping the old and new.

week of jun 17th: this one’s more open-ended; I just want you to think and write about jellyfish, because i love them and i’m feeling like hearing about what they mean to you! here’s a playlist that makes me happy and might inspire you.

week of jun 10th: remember a moment that’s both nostalgic and visceral. it can be old or new, but something that feels both vague and like you can still feel it in your skin, muscle, and bones. write about it however feels right.

week of jun 3rd: think about undercurrents as you write– movements and energies that flow beneath surfaces. what surfaces do they lay beneath? is it an undertone in skin or a song, a literal current, a political movement?

week of may 27th: look for patterns in chaotic & ‘random’ events, experiences, behaviors, etc. these could be in nature, in our own emotions & actions (or inactions), in the structure of a city, in a computer, in a body. do these patterns uncover an underlying order or meaning? are they coincidental?

week of may 20th: write about brief encounters, fleeting moments, first impressions. what do these leave behind for us?

week of may 13th: write about evolution and devolution. how do we unravel & re-ravel? think about what histories our bodies & communities & species & worlds are made of.

week of may 6th: consider ‘trace elements’-- barely noticeable things and what they change. think butterfly effect! are their effects expected & small or disproportionate? is a ‘trace element’ an extra bit of DNA? is it some milk in a loaf of bread?

week of apr 29th: write about or use asymmetry in your writing. what is the intrigue in imbalance? maybe work with different-sized stanzas or long, long sentences followed by short ones, or think about how no two bodies are the same, nor two halves of the same body, or how the feeling of a painting shifts with where the objects sit.

week of apr 22nd: explore the softness & blurring of edges—dawn/dusk, the place between sleep and wakefulness, transitions from youthfulness to adulthood and adulthood to old age. what do those borders & changes feel like, look like, smell like?

week of apr 15th: write a piece that uses all or most of this pool of words– glisten, slow, starlight, fruit, molten, calm.

week of apr 8th: try to make your writing as silent as possible. i know it's a weird prompt-- don't take it too seriously. have fun. what does it mean for writing to be quiet?

week of apr 1st: explore the concept of time in your writing. play with the idea of how we perceive passing time [linear/cyclical/all at once/not at all] and make it weird and surreal, or maybe go more classic & write some fun time travel/time loop fiction. how does time shape us?

week of mar 25th: try writing in the second person. address your audience and sit with them as you tell your story. see how this direct connection affects how you write.

week of mar 18th: write a piece in which you blend two physical senses. maybe focus in on the taste or shape of words, or the feel of an old memory. imagine & sink into those sensations and see what comes up.

week of mar 11th: explore a life cycle in some kind of writing. for example, you could use metamorphosis, diapause/hibernation, paedogenesis [very weird], puberty, the salmon life cycle, the amphibian life cycle, or something else entirely! you don't have to be direct-- just start here and get inspired.

week of mar 4th: take time to explore different structures of whatever you like to write. for poetry, consider writing a pantoum, ghazal, or abecedarian (some of my favorites). for an essay or fiction, consider writing vignettes, something in epistolary form, a diptych/triptych piece, a frame story, or a circular narrative.

week of feb 26th: write about echoes, sound, and reverberation. what is an echo– just sound or something more? how can it reverberate through past, present, and future? can emotion be an echo in that way? what else can be?

week of feb 19th: fuck salvador dali for being evil. that said, write a piece inspired by two famous dali paintings-- persistence of memory and the elephants. consider exploring movement, slowness/speed, heat/cold, and warped sensations.

week of feb 12th: write about a worldly place that is a threshold for you. this can mean anything-- maybe it's some place between end and beginning, forward and backward, past and present, here and there, friends and lovers, or something else entirely!

week of feb 5th: write about what ways writing plays a role in your life-- why do you like it? is it hard? what's your relationship with it? be as abstract or direct as you'd like.